Ministries and Groups

Here you will find a list of the groups of provide volunteer ministry to the Cathedral.

Cathedral Guides

The St Paul’s Cathedral Guides are a group of volunteers whose primary responsibilities are to

  • act as guides for individual visitors and groups to the Cathedral, passing on historical and architectural knowledge;
  • assist with Open Days, providing information on the Cathedral and its mission; and
  • to provide a friendly presence for those who visit the Cathedral.

There are currently around 30 guides, but more are always needed. Training programs for new guides are run regularly. If you are interested in becoming a guide, please contact the Precentor for further details.

Welcome Ministry

Our welcomers seek to provide a warm welcome to St Paul’s Cathedral on Sundays:

  • to welcome members of the congregation and visitors on Sunday;
  • to assist in providing help to visitors who want information about times of services and office matters;
  • to take collections at services;
  • to provide assistance in the Cathedral to the disabled;
  • to generally assist members of Chapter and the Vergers around the Cathedral; and
  • to provide a friendly presence to those in need.

They are a group of some 35 women and men, who serve as welcomers on a regular basis. If you would like to find out more about this ministry, please contact the Precentor, the Revd Canon Heather Patacca.

Window Story Tellers

Stained glass windows were originally incorporated into gothic churches to convey Bible stories in a colourful visual form at a time when not everyone in a population could read, nor had access to a bible of their own. Today, the windows in St Paul’s Cathedral provide an opportunity for people who have little or no knowledge of the biblical narrative to engage with Bible stories with a storyteller.

A team of volunteer window storytellers spend time in the Cathedral each week to meet visitors who may be exploring the building, but by virtue of being in a Christian meeting place, are open to hearing a story of Jesus depicted in a window. Most of the visitors are not Christians, but many are eager to explore how the story they have heard connects with them. Each window story introduces the listener to Jesus, and acts as a window into knowing God.

Window storytelling is a partnership between St Paul’s and the Church Missionary Society; CMS provides training in Bible storytelling and cross-cultural mission tools. Throughout 2019 we held four training days, training twelve new storytellers as well as advancing the skills of the existing five storytellers.

Flower Guild

The Flower Guild was formed in 1981 to provide flower arrangements in the Cathedral, to the glory of God. This dedicated group of volunteers provide a magnificent display for weekly Sunday services, and also where needed for festivals, State Funerals and weddings.

Floral Art workshops are usually held once a year and training sessions for new members are provided.

Membership is open to anyone who is interested in flower arranging and new members are always welcome. To become, after a training period, a flower arranger in our magnificent Cathedral, and to enjoy the fellowship of other Guild members, please contact the Precentor, who will refer the enquiry to the guild convener.

Cathedral Chaplains

There is a Chaplain on duty most weekdays, near the entrance of the Cathedral. Chaplains are there to meet with pilgrims and visitors, to talk and pray together. Chaplains are often asked questions about the spiritual life of this Cathedral and the Anglican Church in Australia. Most of our chaplains also preside at the Midday Eucharist. Becoming a Cathedral Chaplain is an opportunity for Anglican clergy, both retired and working in other parishes around the Diocese, to minister to interstate and overseas visitors, as well as local people.

Society of Bellringers

They are a regular feature of Wednesday evening in Melbourne, when the bell ringers may be heard practising from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Bell ringing is good fun! Once the basic techniques have been learnt ringers will always be made welcome to ring in other towers. Bell ringing is a group activity that combines physical co-ordination and mental alertness to produce the unique sounds of change ringing. The combination of mental and physical skills, teamwork and the rich sounds that are produced, ensures a lifetime’s enjoyment.

The team are always looking for new members. Training is provided.

Ringing times:
Sunday Service: 9.40am – 10.30am 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month 5.00pm – 6.00pm 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday of the month.

Wednesday evening 6.30pm – 8.30pm, Friday evening by appointment – please check with the Captain or Secretary first.

For more information, contact the Tower Captain, Brian Pettet.