Donate to St Paul’s Cathedral

Your support will enable us to maintain St Paul’s as a place of prayer for our worshippers and visitors and the home church for the City and Diocese of Melbourne and Anglican Province of Victoria.

We invite you to join us in ensuring that our beautiful Cathedral is well-resourced to meet the challenges of the future.

Our financial future has never been certain: we do not possess the significant historical endowments that some European foundations enjoy. Every year, we rely on your giving – the donations of our visitors and the sacrificial giving of our members – to safeguard our ministry.

Any donation you can make to St Paul’s will be hugely valuable and important to the Cathedral’s continued work and ministry. All general donations will go directly towards the most pressing work of the moment, whether that be repairing guttering to stop leaks, or supporting our ministry and outreach work.

Donate to the Cathedral

We rely entirely on the donations of visitors and the giving of our congregations. Please be generous in your support of us.

Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: $20.00

Alternatively, you can donate via EFT:
Account Name: St Paul’s Cathedral
BSB: 083 088
Account Number: 53 728 8315

Donate to our Welfare Service (tax-deductible gift)

Make a tax deductible gift to the St Paul’s Cathedral Welfare Service (ABN 83 055 941 325) to support our outreach to those experiencing hardship. The Cathedral’s Welfare Service is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 05 Jun 2001. It is covered by Item 1 of the table in section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

Donations can be made via EFT:

Account Name: St Paul’s Cathedral Welfare Service
BSB: 083 004
Account Number: 53 139 8521

Donate to the Cathedral’s Music Foundation (tax-deductible gift)

Donations to the Music Foundation are tax deductible, and a donation form can be downloaded here.

Make a bequest to St Paul’s Cathedral

I give and bequeath [amount absolutely/share of my estate] to St Paul’s Cathedral and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper office of the Cathedral shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees.